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Keep Your Whirlpool Tub Working Like New

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A whirlpool bathtub provides a soothing, spa-like experience right at home. The jets which push out streams of water create a massaging sensation that relieves stress and muscle tension. Whirlpools also come equipped with features like air bubbles and soothing lights.

However, most whirlpool tubs are expensive investments and you want yours to continue delivering luxurious baths for years. With proper care and regular maintenance these tubs can provide decades of service. Here are tips for cleaning your whirlpool tub and addressing common issues to keep it working properly.

Routine Cleaning for a Spotless Tub

Grime, soap residue and mineral deposits from water can gradually collect on the surface and jets of your whirlpool bath. Left too long this buildup looks unsightly and can lead to blockages or malfunctions. That’s why it’s so important to clean all areas of your tub regularly.

Cleaning the Jets

The most intensive cleaning involves the jets. Whirlpool jets have narrow openings and long internals which can easily collect slime, hard water buildup and hair. To combat this, use a hot tub or spa jet cleaner designed specifically for washing away residue in hydrotherapy equipment. Fill the tub with hot water and circulate whirlpool cleaner through the system for minimum of 30 minutes. Use a small brush to carefully scrub away persistent grime and hardness from the visible faceplate of the jets as needed. Rinse the tub twice with clean hot water to flush out all debris and chemical cleaner residue.

What about the Rest of the Tub?

Don’t neglect faucets, shower heads and tub surfaces when cleaning. Use a non-abrasive cleaner safe for acrylic tubs and work gently to remove soap scum or dirt. Products too harsh or rough can scratch the finish. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and squeegee excess moisture to prevent spots or streaks as it dries. Consider replacing your shower curtain too if it appears grimy or discolored from mildew.

Keep Filtration Top Notch

The filtration system keeps bath water clean by trapping stray hair or particles. Access your whirlpool’s filter by following manufacturer instructions, as these vary between models. Inspect the filter monthly when performing your full tub cleaning regimen. Rinse away dirt and debris under the sink tap when you notice visible buildup. Examine carefully for holes, cracks or broken parts every time. Whirlpool filters face extensive exposure to chemicals and moisture so replace them twice annually. Use only filters made specifically for your make and model to maintain proper water flow and safe operation.

Block Problems Before they Turn into Issues

You can avoid many whirlpool maintenance hassles through smart everyday usage and upkeep steps. Always spread a soft rubber bath mat down before stepping into your wet tub. The texture provides traction to prevent dangerous slips on slippery porcelain. Hard falls lead to injuries and serious costly damages to the tub you want to avoid. Clean your whirlpool thoroughly after each use, taking five minutes to wipe away body oils or residual dirt that contribute to accumulations. Check the cover over the main drain monthly for collected hair or gunk, and clear it away so it doesn’t clog up and flood water out the overflow.

By being proactive regarding safety and cleanliness you’ll prevent most tub operation issues. Yet even well-maintained whirlpools sometimes develop common problems. Let’s look at troubleshooting those next.

Troubleshooting Annoying Whirlpool Problems

Mold loves the damp warm environment inside a whirlpool tub’s plumbing. And jets recirculating spores can spread it over larger visible surfaces. Prevent mildew from taking hold by wiping down all tiles or caulk joints weekly. Increase bathroom ventilation use if possible. If you spot black mold clean immediately before extensive growth damages fixtures. Mix one part bleach to four parts water and scrub to sanitize. Leave the tub door open when not in use so moisture evaporates.

Even with diligent care leaks sometimes spring up around your whirlpool tub. Harsh cleaners can degrade caulk over time while heat and pressure cause small cracks. Scan carefully along the bottom seam and fixtures during your regular checks, looking for any drops of water outside the tub. Catching leaks quickly prevents extensive water damage or mold growth on walls and subfloors. Carefully re-caulk gaps with a sealant designed for tubs. Immediately replace deteriorated pipes or plumbing joints.

Lack of jet power often results from hard water deposits or soap film buildup within the narrow impellers. Run two cycles of jet cleaner monthly as part of your tub’s basic cleaning routine. Pour solution directly into the bath, let circulate 15 minutes, then drain. Follow with a pure hot water cycle to rinse cleaner residue away completely. If jets remain weak book a service appointment to fully access the jet internals and pump for a deeper cleaning. Caught early enough buildup can be reversed. But if neglected flow issues degrade whirlpool components.

By Being Consistent You’ll Avoid Large Repairs

Follow monthly and yearly schedules to keep your whirlpool working great. Deep clean the tub using a jet cleaning solution twice monthly. Check and replace filters seasons, examining closely for damage in between. Visually inspect whirlpool surfaces and caulk seals every few weeks to catch problems early.

Additionally have a technician conduct preventative maintenance yearly. They’ll access difficult parts like jet internals and intake covers you can’t reach yourself. Technicians lubricate pumps, check water lines and evaluate components for wear and tear. Parts like impeller caps or seals get replaced as needed so issues don’t escalate. Think of it as a well visit for your whirlpool investment.

With regular care and maintenance your whirlpool bathtub will deliver years of unmatched comfort and pleasure. Be vigilant against dirt accumulation and damage by following both monthly and yearly whirlpool cleaning checklists. Call in a professional annually to tune up components and nip larger problems in the bud. A small amount of effort provides big returns on your bathing investment.