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Shower or Bathtub: Which is the right choice?

Both showers and bathtubs are healthy for your hygiene routine. But if installed inadequately, both can be problematic too. When it is the matter of selecting, people get confused about which one to choose. Nowadays, customers combine both styles by blending a freestanding tub and a glass shower. But it needs more money. So, the question is, which one will you choose, a shower or a bathtub? Hence, to get the reply, consider the below pros and cons of both and determine the best choice.

Pros of Shower

  • Cold showers boost the immune system and utilize less water than bathtubs.
  • Shower stimulates the nervous system, reduces depression, and promotes endorphins. Hence, it is an effective and quick way to stay healthy.
  • People with several mobility illnesses can use it as showers have grab bars, benches, or slip-resistant tiles.
  • You can purchase multiple showering options from the shower manufacturers like rain, steam, and jet showers.

Cons of Shower

  • It needs frequent maintenance from calcium stains. Hence, need time and effort.
  • You might locate leaks that will restrain you from taking a shower for a lengthy period.

Pros of Bathtub

  • Sitting in a bathtub supports healing of the perineum after giving childbirth. Besides, it can treat cold flu, skin inflammation, itching or irritation, and hemorrhoids.
  • You can bathe your little toddler in this effectively as they are accessible in different sizes, styles, and materials.
  • It includes different features like air jets, whirlpool version.

Cons of Bathtub

  • It is non-compatible for the aged and people having mobility issues.
  • Requires a lot of space, water, and time to fill them and bathe.

Final thoughts

Hence, both are useful in many ways for you. But in the end, your hygiene and preference will determine which one to take. If you want relaxation or have mobility issues, then you should choose showers. But if you want glowing skin and want to remain away from any itching-related issues, then the bathtubs are the best option for you. 

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